US Coast Guard arrests a man for boating under the influence
US Coast Guard arrests a man for boating under the influence

Alcohol Myth or Fact?

Alcohol and Boating

Myth: Beer is less intoxicating than wine or distilled liquor.

Fact: One 12 oz. beer contains the same amount of alcohol as 5 oz. of wine or 1.5 oz. of 80-proof liquor.

Myth: A cold shower, coffee, physical activity or fresh air will sober you up.

Fact: Cold showers and coffee will only produce a clean, wide-awake drunk. Only your liver can detoxify alcohol and only time can sober you up.

Myth: A shot of brandy or whiskey will warm you up.

Fact: In moderate amounts, alcohol dilates the blood vessels close to the skin, giving a deceptive "glow" of warmth. In fact, the dilated blood vessels reduce your body's ability to guard against heat loss.

Boating under the Influence (BUI) or Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) is a serious offense and seriously affects boat handling - take our word for it. To learn more about the declining performance of a boat operator when exposed to alcohol, check out our Foundation Findings #32 "Alcohol and Boating: Drinking on Your Boat - It Really Does Matter."