On-Water Training Locator
Gaining Confidence Starts Here
The best way to learn boat handling is through a hands-on approach. Whether you love boating and want to gain confidence, or you’re new to boating and just want to learn the basics, the BoatUS On-Water Training Locator makes it easy to find a trainer or training facility in your area.

1 - 4 Students per boat
Private Lessons Available
Taught by USCG Licensed Captains
Additional FAQs

Preferred Curriculum: NSBC
Introduction to Powerboating*
Precision Docking & Boat Handling*
Open-Water Boat Handling*
Open-Water Advanced Maneuvering*
*Curriculum varies by location
Training Center Locations & Events

The BoatUS Foundation recommends the National Safe Boating Council’s modular boat control curriculum. To learn more about this curriculum and the verification process, click the link below:
NSBC Website
The instructor helped guide us into learning the basic functions of how to work a boat. It was fun and a great experience. Would love to come back and learn more.
Intro To Powerboating Student
Miami Boat Show - 2019