Official Application Guidelines
The BoatUS Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Program.
Apply TodayApplications Are Accepted Year-Round
What We're Looking For
The Foundation encourages all groups to apply for this program that meet the following requirements:
Have Regular Hours for Borrowers to Pick Up and Drop Off the Jackets
Life Jackets Will Be Used by Boaters
Life Jackets Will Be Securely Stored When Not In Use
Will Be Staffed to Log Out and Fit the Life Jackets
Will Not Use on Loaner Board
Will Not Be Used to Stock Patrol Boats
Jackets Will Be Available to the General Public
Will Not Profit From the Use of the Life Jackets
How the Program Works
At your location, families can borrow a life jacket for the day or weekend
The borrowing family will provide your staff with basic information to borrow life jacket: name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, and anticipated return date (we provide the form)
The borrowing family returns the jacket. In the event they forgot where to return it, the jacket has an attached return tag
A staff member will log their information and distribute the appropriate- sized life jacket
Who We Approve
These are some examples of organizations that make great loaner sites




Fire Departments

Fuel Docks

Waterfront Businesses
How to Apply
Program Application Process
Complete the online application for the program.
Applications are accepted year-round. There is no application deadline.
Applications are reviewed within one month of submission.
Applications will be judged based on the following criteria:
- is intended for boating public
- in an area with a demand for loaner life jackets
- is a highly visible location
- has regular hours for loaning life jackets
- has personnel to distribute and collect life jackets and record loan information
- will conduct local promotional efforts
- will provide feedback to BoatU.S. Foundation on a quarterly basis
Site Approval
If the site is awarded, all materials will be provided to your organization free of charge. Each site will receive a kit containing:
- 12 jackets in Infant, Child, Youth and Adult sizes with return tags
- weather-resistant storage bin
- promotional signs and flyers
- a log book to record loan information
- sample press kit to aid in local promotion
- educational signs and flyers