Official Application Guidelines
The BoatUS Foundation Grassrooots Grants Program provides grants to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating.

Grants up to $10,000 are available.
What We're Looking For
The Foundation is most interested in funding projects that include several of the following:
Activities That Facilitate Behavior Changes in the Boating Community
Unique Ideas - Either Topic, Methods or Delivery Mechanism
Extensive Outreach Efforts to Boaters
Use of Technology to Educate Boaters Including Social Media and Internet
Wide Reach to Recreational Boaters
Hands-On Work with the Boating Community
Quantifiable Measures of Success
Timeline of One Year or Less
The Foundation typically does not award grants for the following:
Capital Improvement Projects or General Operating Funds
Multi-Year Projects (Unless the Project Will Become Self-Sufficient After Initial Funding)
Projects That Include Lobbying Efforts or Any Type of Political Action
Specialized training or equipment for the recipient group members (unless it can be shown that this training or equipment will be used solely for the grant project and will benefit the general boating public.)
Projects Solely Intended to Benefit a Group's Membership
Expenses for Transportation, Meals or Lodging
Purchase of electronic hardware/software, boats, motors, or other boating gear.
Who We Fund
Any Nonprofit Organization Including:

Boating Clubs

Environmental Organizations

Local Nonprofits

Regional/National Nonprofits

Student Groups

Chapters of National Organizations
How It Works
Program Application Process
Applicants complete a Letter of Intent (LOI)
Complete LOIs are reviewed by Foundation staff within one month of submission.
LOIs will be judged based on the following criteria:
- is within the scope of the Grassroots Grants program
- directed at the boating public
- addresses a safety or environmental concern for boaters
- is creative, innovative or original
- has a broad reach
- has metrics to show success
LOI Approval
If LOI is approved, the applicant is invited to submit a full application. Notification and next steps will be sent via email to the applicant.
Submit Application
Submit a full application within one month of LOI approval.
Review Application
Application will be reviewed by the Grant Committee within one month of submission. The Committee will determine if a grant will be awarded and the applicant will be notified via email.
If a grant is awarded:
- Applicant will be sent a contract and instructions for completing the grant
- Grantees will receive 50% of the grant funding when the grant is awarded and 50% when the grant has been completed.
- Grantees are required to provide the Foundation with status updates on their projects, proofs of all products produced with grant funding for approval and detailed budget reporting.
- All projects are expected to be completed within 12 months of award.