Official Application Guidelines
The BoatUS Foundation is seeking to fund projects to remove abandoned and derelict vessels that pose safety and environmental hazards
What We're Looking For
The BoatUS Foundation has been awarded a $10 million grant from NOAA’s Marine Debris Program to administer the ADV program, which includes a national competitive grant program for the removal of abandoned and derelict vessels in U.S. coastal waterways and the Great Lakes.
For the subaward competition, the Foundation is seeking qualified/experienced organizations and/or companies to submit ADV-removal projects for funding consideration.
Any non-federal agency, organization or business including states, tribal organizations, US territories, and Freely Associated State governments is eligible to apply.
Project should be no more than 2 years in length.

Grants from $50,000 to $1,000,000 are available.
Priority will be given to projects that:
Demonstrate strong community support
Include input from and benefit tribal, underserved, or low-income communities
Benefit marine animals, their habitats, local communities or local economies
Include local outreach and education activities directed toward the boating community and general public to prevent abandoned and derelict vessels
How It Works:
The first step in requesting grant funding is submitting a Letter of Intent, or LOI. This is an abbreviated application that introduces your proposed project to BoatUS Foundation and elicits feedback that will hopefully lead to an invitation to submit a full proposal.
For questions regarding the grant program, please contact us.
Applicants complete a Letter of Intent (LOI) through our online system. LOIs will be available on June 10th, 2024. Applicants have until August 12th, 2024 at 11:59pm ET to complete the LOI.
LOI Review
Completed LOIs will be reviewed by Foundation staff. LOIs will be reviewed based on the LOI evaluation criteria noted below.
LOI Decisions
All applicants will be notified by September 30th, 2024 on the Foundation’s decision. Applicants selected to submit a proposal will receive additional information for next steps.
Submit Application
Those selected will have until December 2nd, 2024 to submit their full proposals.
Applicant Review
A panel of internal and external reviewers will evaluate full proposals and select the projects to be funded. Project selection will occur in first quarter of 2025.
Grant Projects Launch
Grant Project recipients will begin project work in Spring – Summer of 2025
Letter of Intent (LOI) FAQs and Guidelines
- How do I apply for an Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (ADV) Removal Grant?
To apply for ADV removal funding, you must first submit a Letter of Intent, or LOI. The link to begin an LOI is at the bottom of this page. Use this link for instructions on how to register in the online portal to apply.
- What is a Letter of Intent (LOI)?
The LOI is a document that introduces your proposed ADV removal project to BoatUS Foundation and elicits feedback that will hopefully lead to an invitation to submit a full proposal.
- Who can submit an LOI for an ADV Removal Grant?
Any non-profit; association; local, state, territorial, and Freely Associated State government; American Indian and Alaska Native tribal government and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander organization; commercial (for-profit) organization; educational institution; or NGO that has the experience and partnerships to complete ADV removal projects are invited to submit an LOI for consideration. Applications should come from a single organization but can include as many project partners as appropriate.
- Are LOI proposals limited to any specific geographic locations?
Currently, this opportunity is available to any organizations serving coastal and marine areas of the United States, including the Great Lakes, U.S. territories, and Freely Associated States.
- What is the deadline for LOI submissions?
BoatUS Foundation will accept the first round of LOIs until August 12, 2024. A second round of LOI reviews, if funding is available, will be announced in early 2025.
- How long does an organization have to complete the project?
Projects must be completed within 2 years of the project start date.
- Who reviews the LOIs submitted?
BoatUS Foundation’s grant management team will determine which LOIs are approved for a full application.
- How will LOIs be evaluated?
LOIs will be reviewed by BoatUS Foundation grant management team based on responses to all items listed in the LOI. Greater consideration will be given to projects that possess geographic diversity, are located in sensitive marine areas, offer tangible and measurable benefits to the environment and community, comprise diversity and inclusiveness, minimize environmental impact during the removal process, and/or include a fund match component. Projects that don’t possess any or all of these components will still be considered, however. An outline of the evaluation criteria is available above.
- How soon will I hear from BoatUS Foundation after my LOI is submitted?
Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the LOI is received. LOI submissions will be reviewed in late summer 2024. BoatUS Foundation will notify all applicants by September 30, 2024.
- Can I submit an application for grant funding without submitting an LOI?
No. Only applicants who are invited to submit full proposals can do so.
- How soon after I submit my LOI can I begin my application?
Applicants will be notified by September 30, 2024. Those invited to submit a full proposal can begin the application process immediately.
- If my LOI is rejected, can I revise and resubmit?
BoatUS Foundation intends to accept LOIs again after the first review cycle. More information on additional review cycles, if offered, will be available in early 2025.
- Is there a minimum and/or maximum dollar amount for each funded project?
Awards range from $50,000 to $1,000,000 for each ADV removal project.
- How detailed must the budget information be for the LOI?
Only a budget estimate is required to complete the LOI. A full budget with justification must be completed in the application, if invited.
- Are matching funds required to submit an LOI?
Matching funds, including cash and in-kind contributions, are not required, but greater consideration will be given to projects with a match component.
- How do I determine the value of in-kind matching?
Use the fair market value of the materials, services, or technical assistance being donated to determine in-kind matching equivalents. Fair market value is the price you would pay if you purchased the goods or services on the open market. For additional information on in-kind, visit this link.
- What are “NOAA Trust Resources”?
NOAA defines NOAA Trust Resources as “Commercial and recreational fishery resources (marine and estuarine fish and shellfish); endangered and threatened marine species and their designated critical habitats; marine mammals and marine turtles; marshes, mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and other coastal habitats; areas identified as essential fish habitat; marine habitats and resources associated with national marine sanctuaries, national marine monuments, and other protected places; and aquatic habitats and resources associated with the Great Lakes.” Projects for this grant must benefit NOAA Trust Resources.
- What is pre- and post-removal monitoring?
An example of pre- and post-removal monitoring is above water and below water observations of the removal area before and for a time period after removal to document when the ecosystem returns to normal.
- Can organizations collaborate to apply for funding?
Yes! We highly encourage applicants to collaborate with relevant partners to meet the goals of the grant project. Community engagement and support are components that the LOI will be evaluated on. We are looking for projects with strong partnerships to make meaningful impacts on the environment and the community.
- How much funding will be awarded this year?
The total amount of grants available to be awarded is $7.5 million. The full amount of funding awarded this year will depend on the quality and quantity of proposals received. It will also depend on the number of projects to be funded and the scope of those projects. BoatUS Foundation intends to offer at least 2 rounds of funding but will determine the full amount of funding provided in the first round of grants after proposals are received.
- What do you mean by “diversity, equity, and inclusion”?
These terms can mean different things to different people. For the purposes of this LOI, “diversity” broadly encompasses the demographic mix of a specific collection of people, considering elements of human difference including racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ populations, people with disabilities, and women. “Equity” promotes justice, impartiality, and fairness within the procedures, processes, and distribution of resources. “Inclusion” refers to the degree to which diverse individuals can participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization or group.
- How do I know if my proposed removal project is located in a tribal and/or underserved community?
You can refer to The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)to identify whether project locations are considered disadvantaged communities. If a community is not considered disadvantaged by CEJST, but you believe it is in a disadvantaged area, you may use an alternate reference or description.
- How do I determine what permits or approvals are required for my ADV-removal project?
If you are unsure about what permits are needed, reach out to your city, county, and/or state governments to confirm.
- What are some examples of outcomes and metrics for ADV removal projects?
Some examples of common outcomes for ADV removal projects may include measurable effects such as number of vessels to be removed, amount of debris to be reused/recycled, environmental and/or community impacts, and benefits to tribal or underserved communities.
- I have multiple ADVs to be removed. Should I submit a separate LOI for each ADV, or can multiple removals be grouped into one LOI?
Unless the projects are vastly different (e.g., ADVs located in multiple bodies of water or regions, require different partners to complete each removal), a single LOI can be submitted for a project that includes multiple vessel removals.
- Whose contact information should be on the LOI?
The contact information should be for the person(s) who BoatUS Foundation grant management team should follow up with. It may be an administrative contact or a program contact.
- Do I need to include the names of all key personnel on the LOI?
No, you are not required to list all key personnel at the LOI stage. We do, however, encourage you to provide detailed information within your LOI on your team’s experience and ability to conduct the project you are proposing. Personnel information may be updated on the full application if invited to submit.
- Who can I contact at the BoatUS Foundation if I have additional questions about the LOI?
Contact Foundation staff here with any questions.